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Image by Scott Webb
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Permanent Makeup?


Permanent Makeup, also known as Micro-Pigmentation, PMU or SPMU, is a form of cosmetic tattooing. A digital machine implants pigment into the dermal layer of the skin with a fine needle. This method creates amazing results. There are different types of brow effects which can be produced – either brow strokes or shading (or a combination of both!). 

How long does PMU last?


Every person is different, but brows can last between a year to 18 months. The treatment will last longer the more you look after the area. With lips you may need a top-up between a year to 3 years. 


It is called Permanent Makeup because a small amount of pigment will always retain in the skin (even if it is difficult to see). Many different looks can be created in PMU but it should never be harsh or extreme.

Who is Permanent Makeup for?


 If you’re tired of putting makeup on your eyebrows daily, or fed up with your eyebrows smudging off. If your lipstick never stays put or you find it challenging to apply makeup in the correct way, permanent makeup may be for you! PMU can mimic the appearance of makeup but there is no daily chore of applying which saves so much time. It can improve or create eyebrow definition and fully reconstruct brows which have little or no hair. Often it makes people appear more youthful and completes their look.

What is Lip Blush?


Lip blushing is a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip colour, improves the shape and evenness of the lips, gives definition to the lip contour (which becomes less defined as we age) and gives the illusion of fullness. 


A Lip Blush treatment will ensure that your lips retain colour 24 hours a day and won’t smudge or wipe off. If you’re looking to increase your lip symmetry or just want great lips with no hassle, this treatment is for you!

Does it hurt?


Each individual reacts differently. It depends on your sensitivity, however the treatment is performed with your comfort in mind. A numbing agent is applied before and throughout the treatment to minimise any discomfort. The treatment may feel a little scratchy but never unbearable.

Can I wear makeup after the treatment? 


No makeup should be worn directly on the area that has been tattooed until the initial healing process is completed. However, it is possible to apply makeup around the treated area immediately after a treatment. You must avoid any products, creams or ointments directly covering the treated area until the skin is fully healed.

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